The Pharmaceutical Industry is one of the biggest industries in the international market and its importance is spiked recently with the Covid-19 pandemic. The industry has a few stakeholders in healthcare that determine the field’s system. These stakeholders include patients, providers, payers, and policymakers. The quality of the Healthcare systems depends heavily on how mobilized and concerned these professional groups are in ensuring quality health services.
The first stakeholder is the policymakers, ministers, or jurisdictional authorities for deciding the healthcare policies. These policies are made based on data from all stakeholders to devise a system that caters to the citizens of the country. Patients, on the other hand, are the one receiving the services, policymakers are responsible for devising policies that determine the provision of healthcare to patients. The operation of providers is to provide healthcare services, keep records and engage as care team members as well with some being private and other states funded. Payors are concerned with the financial workings of the patients. They also carry financial management on behalf of patients with providers and look for a sustainable option for healthcare plans.
As Havrdová (2016) reviewed literature and found that the continuous improvement of the healthcare system is purely based on the collaborative processes and effective communication between the professionals. An interview study of some European countries was done to check the importance stakeholders have in ensuring the quality of Healthcare. The stakeholders were found to judge quality on different factors. Some even have conflicting views on the quality of care. While some believed that society had a role in ensuring the quality of Care in Health services, accessibility to resources like employee training and interventions also determines the quality of healthcare. Politicians, legislators, and funders were also found to be specific components. The patient-oriented approach provides quality of service care and ensures the clients’ complaints and concerns are addressed in making the system more effective. The family members also define the quality of Health care and several times they are the ones advocating the patient’s treatment.
One might a wonder how important is it to ensure quality by different stakeholders’ contributions. Well. The same questions were asked by the European students with focus groups from the Czech Republic,Finland, and Portugal. Upon analysis, it was revealed that communication was critical to the quality of health care provision. The role of society was highlighted during interviews towards building quality healthcare.
The governmental and legislative authorities also must ensure the funding and resources needed for ensuring quality. Besides society, the managers were also regarded as important factors in ensuring long-term health care policies. With resource allocation at all organizational levels and communicative collaboration in professional groups. Moreover, quality can only be assured by strategic decision making at the societal, political, organizational, and managerial levels. Continuous competency development is very important. The recent study highlighted that all stakeholders had a significant role to play in raising the Health Care Bar.